Residential - Commercial

We Change - Rekey Any Type Of Locks In Palm Beach Gardens Florida

deadbolts installed Palm Beach Gardens Florida The security of a deadbolt on your Palm Beach Gardens Florida residential property as well as organization guarantees the safety of your belongings. When installed properly it is really challenging to kick your door open.

Keep in mind most Palm Beach Gardens Florida contractor installed deadbolts may not be as safe and secure as you may think, Many Installs have just the one inch and a half strike plate screws installed. To guarantee a practically kick proof deadbolt lock installation you would have to install the recommended 3 inch screws so they actually connect to the 2x4 framing of the door, This makes a strong safe deadbolt install and kick resistant deadbolt lock.

If your Palm Beach Gardens Florida home has simply a bottom lock on the door now your home generally is not protect to even the beginner criminal.

We run into people who have a house security system installed and think a deadbolt is not required since when it comes to a break in the alarm would signify a burglar is present. That sounds good at in theory however with a response time of 15 minutes or more by regional cops I would recommend not standing toe to toe with an intruder for 10 -15 minutes inside your home because you didn't have an appropriate deadbolt installed with a high security kick resistant strike.

Statistics suggest a properly installed deadbolt is a deterrent to many criminals and they will not even attempt to get into a home or business with a deadbolt installed on it.

Call for a free price quote on the installation of one of our high security deadbolt locks or if you have one we can install it for you.

If you have any questions on which deadbolt lock to use we can help you select the right deadbolt for your home or apartment or company. selecting the right deadbolt lock is as crucial as the installation itself.

Deadbolt Locks Installed

Moving into a new home or business in Palm Beach Gardens Florida ? Get your new deadbolts installed today.

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Auto - Home - Commercial Locksmith In Palm Beach Gardens Florida

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